Kerala State Centre for Assistive Technologies
Kerala State Centre For Assistive Technologies is an organization under Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment [KSCSTE] The vision and mission of the centre is to create a barrier free environment with a spirit to provide access to all. The activities of the centre should be according to the guidelines of the United Nation’s Convention of Rights of Persons With disability (UNCRPD) and Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
Dates to Remember
Milestones of Assistive Technology
First Braille typewriter invented in the year- 18 Jul 1892,by Frank M. Hall.
Individually hand-made brailler machines were built at the Perkins School for the Blind.
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People to Meet

Sri Pinarayi Vijayan
Hon'ble Chief Minister of Kerala and President,KSCSTE

Dr. Suresh Das Executive Vice President, KSCSTE

Dr P Harinarayanan
Scientist E1, KSCSTECoordinator i/c,KSCAT
Inspiring Quotes
"Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light." -Helen Keller